Friday, June 15, 2012

"In the Beginning. . . ."

Ugg. mE primate.. shndkhj

Primate, what are you doing? Oh, I see. You started a blog. Well, Primate, now you’ve gone and done it. You’ve started a blog and we’ll just have to make entries in it.

Hi, I’m Overseer, Primate’s guardian. Primate tends to get up to mischief when I’m not looking. I try, but I can’t always be there to watch him 24/7/365. But I do encourage his evolution. And it sure seems slow at times. What’s that, Primate?

go tRip

Primate means, he’s going on a road trip soon and wants to reach out and share about it. I’ll be going along as Overseer, of course, so I’ll be available to help him tell his story, at least until, hopefully, he can evolve enough to tell you himself. We’ll be leaving soon and plan to keep you posted on our travel. Primate begged me to go to the high-points and low-points of every state of the US. I don’t know what I was thinking when I agreed to it, but primate is excited about the trip. I’d like to log off now and let primate evolve a bit more. We’ll be in touch soon.

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